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The dab. Low-waisted jeans. The ice bucket challenge. Pokémon Go. What do these seemingly unrelated things have in common? They are all examples of trends that have lived and died over the last 10 years (thank god). Nowadays, trends and cultural movements dominate our society and the media landscape, with the word 'trendy' now being seen as a...

Birds. Some people hate them, others probably couldn't care less about them and some people are terrified of them. (walking through a city centre with someone who is deadly afraid of birds - not easy). There's even a word for being scared of birds - ornithophobia. But I think, and I hope, that there's a big group of people...

Most of us can see change as something negative and scary that we're not quite ready to happen but it is also something positive. Change isn't necessarily a bad thing and can often lead to better things in the future. But why do we find change so daunting?

Free Palestine


Palestine is a small region of land located between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River in which most of this land is now considered present-day Israel. Today Palestine is no longer considered an independent state on the maps and this has been a topic of conversation for many years. The conflict with Palestine and Israel has started since the...

People have always been fascinated by the future. Tarot cards, crystal balls and horoscopes are often laughed at but looking back, even sincere attempts at predicting the future seem laughable in 2021. But, on the other hand, some past predications of the future are unnervingly accurate. So, let's take a look at the good, the bad and the just...

Habitual reading has numerous benefits. It is said to increase cognitive performance, vocabulary and even empathy. With all these brilliant effects, why not make it a goal for 2021 - and for the future - to read more? I often find the hardest part of reading is picking up the book. Sometimes in our heads we built it up...

As a pretentious self-titled film nerd, I feel I must engage with all different genres of film and TV in order to gain a well-rounded understanding of the artform that is visual media. However, I am harbouring a secret, a secret that in today's marvel-obsessed, death-star addicted society may leave me outcasted and rejected by the majority. I...

Mars - a planet we have been dreaming of living on for decades. Scientists of all ages across the world have been trying tirelessly to find a way to accommodate us homo sapiens onto this planet we still do not know enough about. Although we still do not know much, we do know that this planet is currently inhabitable. There...

The future of how we construct and live in our homes aim to benefit not only us but our environment. There are many ideas on what direction housing may go in - from mobile homes to homes made entirely to encourage use to live more sustainably, we are everchanging our perspectives on how we build our homes in order...

Language is undeniably a fundamental part of our lives. It is the building blocks of communication and the way in which we live as a modern society relies so heavily on the use of spoken word. And the variety of languages in the world only adds to the vividness that is our phenomenal earth. Learning new languages is both a...

Social status played a major role in Tudor society, to the extent that King Henry VIII validated Sumptuary Laws designed to keep the upper and lower classes permanently divided, with the punishments for violating these laws ranging from loss of property, to death. As fashion was a prominent indicator of status, certain materials and colours were...

It is a broad range of conditions characterised by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviours, speech and nonverbal communication.

Students Speak
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