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Lockdown and retail therapy: a fairy tale union or disaster waiting to happen?

The average teen spends 1-3 hours on Tiktok every day! Crazy right? Social media is great - talk to whoever you want whenever you want, meet new friends and dive into a virtual world of looking at all the new and exciting things you'd never know about or see without staring into a screen.

Over the last few years in the Film and TV industry, an infectious plague has swept across streaming services worldwide, attracting audiences with its gruesome content and turning every person with a Netflix subscription into a professional detective. Allow me to introduce the hottest genre of 2020; The true crime drama.

2020: not exactly the year we had planned, and it seems that 2021 has so far followed suit and decided to give us all another greatly unwanted shock. Emotions are high and times are exceptionally difficult, but once again we must band together and keep talking with hopefully the support you need just a phone call away.

If you asked someone what their least favourite subject at school was, I'm sure many would mention maths or PE or maybe history. I never loved maths and I liked PE even less, but I always loved history. Most of my friends found it a bit dull. To them, history felt stationary and irrelevant to their lives. Sometimes it...

Black holes - a mystery that was only solved recently. They're dense points of infinite gravity, which unapologetically defy the laws of physics as they distort everything, every object, even if its massless, that comes near its event horizon. They hide in the shadow of space, lost in the incessant nature of the universe; the only property that...

It's been over two weeks since the start of lockdown and I've realised that there's one thing that's been keeping me sane, baking. It can sometimes be really hard to find easy, yet delicious recipes and we can often find ourselves asking, is the end result really worth the hassle? Baking makes me feel much more productive and gives me...

Students Speak
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