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The ability to work as a team is hugely significant in many areas of science, however, even today, some qualified scientists lack the ability to respect others in their field on even the most basic levels.

I have always believed in ghosts. Aliens? No. Fairy's? No. Not even the Loch Ness Monster? Absolutely not. My genuine theory is that they are simply the remanence of past humans, non-sentient shadows of those who have died. To some, ghosts act as visual representations of lost souls, trapped for eternity to suffer however, for others they are...

Autumn has arrived. It has brought a new year of bare trees, Halloween, and more importantly, another black history month. The majority of schools teach a white washed curriculum which centres around traditional events and the achievements of white folks. Black History Month provides an opportunity to understand the sheer impact black heritage has...

One of the most defining features of autumn is the leaves transitioning from a green colour, which we are more accustomed to, to a deep shade of yellow, orange or red. Despite this colour change seeming visually simple, the chemistry behind it is far from that.

A new study proves industrial waste from pumpkins can be used to create biodegradable plastic film for packaging. It begs the question: Why are we not seeing its implementation?

What was once called the Indian subcontinent, is now divided into 3 separate countries - India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. I am writing this on the day that Pakistan gained independence from the British colonisation, one day before India did as well. On the 14th of August 1947, East Pakistan and West Pakistan - now known as Bangladesh and Pakistan...

The Color Purple by Alice Walker is a widely acclaimed novel set in early 1900s rural Georgia. The book has been turned into a film and musical and is widely beloved while also being somewhat controversial. However, I believe there are a few lessons that can be learnt from the novel about telling history in its entirety and the importance...

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