You'll find it all here!
Before you start reading, I'd like to make it clear that the purpose of this article is not to defame a nation, but to inform you about the injustices that have taken place in and have targeted a minority disproportionately and unfairly. It also highlights the impact of spreading misinformation by the biased Indian media and the lack of action...
Yes, this whole idea that everything you do is changing the course of the future, is quite scary. The outfit you wore, the pen you used, the question you answered in class, all contribute to everyone's future. This is what is more commonly known as 'The Butterfly effect.' I am no mathematician, I'm more of a philosopher, therefore (despite many...
Did you ever study the Vikings at school? Nazi Germany maybe? The Middle Ages? These areas of history are, on the surface, pretty distinct. However, they are, in some ways, much more connected than you may think. The Vikings were a Norse people from Scandinavia who were around from 800 CE to the 11th century. Over time, a very clear...
Ayesha Nicole smith, commonly known as Ayesha erotica, was a controversial transgender hyperpop singer, songwriter and producer who left the public eye in late 2018.
I directed Harry Potter
If you didn't already know, JK Rowling is the critically acclaimed author of the world-famous "Harry Potter" book series however, recently she appears to have taken to channelling her literary skills into writing offensive tweets rather than any actual books. JK Rowling's downwards spiral began in June 2020 when she reposted an article titled...
Exploring Love
Love. Something taken for granted in our modern society. Something that people seem to believe is owed to them continuously, as it has dominated our lives for as long as we care to remember. Perhaps it is a social construct, a concept made up by society to fit society, or perhaps it is the quintessential thing to look for...
Keith Haring: A Phenomenon
You can find images of the artwork and places discussed at the end of the article
The Movement For Women’s Bodily Autonomy
Trigger warning- discussion of sexual assault and exploitation, human sex trafficking
Medical technology has advanced at an exponential rate over the centuries. We were at a point in the past where we had to deal with incurable and uncontrolled pandemics and currently, we are in a time where we have successfully developed various vaccinations for the COVID-19 pandemic in a fleeting period. The speed at which the COVID-19 vaccines...
Colourful Ribbons and Coming Together
There are some things in our world that we can control: the way we live our lives; our choices; what you are having for dinner tonight, however there are some things in life that come very much unexpected, and very much unwelcome.
Motivation for Movement
At this time, it is getting very tricky to be able to motivate or even do exercise, people feel there is limited things you can do such as go out for a jog or go for a cycle when in actual fact there are plenty of things that can be done at home that are actually enjoyable and for...